

Protein, Amino Acids and Good sources of protein!!!

What is protein?

  • Protein is considered the building block of life and is found in every cell of the human body. 
  • Proteins are made up of organic compounds called amino acids and are essential nutrients you can’t live without. 
  • Amino acids that are attached to one another in a long chain. 
  • There are different kinds of amino acids, and the sequence in which the different amino acids are arranged helps determine the role of that particular protein. 
  • Whenever the body is growing, repairing or replacing tissue, proteins are involved. 
  • Proteins are found in your skin, bones, muscle and all your organ tissue. 
  • In addition, they are used to produce hormones, enzymes and hemoglobin that carry oxygen in the blood.
  • Amino acids are found in animal sources such as meats, milk, fish, and eggs.

  • They are also found in plant sources such as soy, beans, legumes, nut butters, and some grains (such as wheat germ and quinoa). 
  • You do not need to eat animal products to get all the protein you need in your diet.

Amino acids are classified into three groups:

A) Essential Amino Acids
B) Nonessential Amino Acids
C) Conditional Amino Acids

A) Essential amino acids cannot be made by the body, and must be supplied by food. They do not need to be eaten at one meal. The balance over the whole day is more important.
B) Nonessential amino acids are made by the body from essential amino acids or in the normal breakdown of proteins.
C) Conditional amino acids are needed in times of illness and stress.

Protein helps to:

  • Curb appetite
  • Sustain lean muscle
  • healthy metabolism
  • Support weight loss
  • Prevent muscle wastage
  • Build and repair the body
  • Keep blood sugars stable
  • Assist in hormone production
  • Maintain a healthy Immune system
  • Support new growth and maintenance
  • Assist recovery from sport or illness

How much do we need?

  • The amount you consume each day varies slightly depending on your age, weight and activity level. 
  • Basically, it’s all about getting a good balance of quality protein over the course of a day that’s important for good health.

A healthy diet provides the right balance of carbohydrate, fat, and protein to reduce risks for chronic diseases, and they are obtained from a variety of foods that are available, affordable, and enjoyable.

Good sources of protein: Fish, Plant based vegetable, Eggs, Dairy.

*** Thanks ***

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